Over 10,000 Students Impacted To Date


  • The book is a guide to scholarships and other forms of aid. The coaching really opened our eyes to exactly what we should be doing and when. MDS took the stress out of paying for college. for any student or parent. I wish I would have had this book during high school!

    Ursula Freeman
    Ursula Freeman


Researching Schools

Higher education institutions are the first place to look for financial aid, but often their funding opportunities are not transparent for families. Derrius tells you how to find these opportunities.

Resume Crafting

Conveying the activities that you or your student have participated is an extremely important part of telling their unique story and this book explains how to format this effectively.

Interviewing for Scholarships

If you have never interviewed for anything before it can be very nerve-wracking. This book tells students how to remain calm and be fully prepared for any interviews that may come their way.

How To Find Scholarships

Derrius provides students with a number of resources including the very best online solutions to find scholarships as well as some lesser known resources they can use offline.


Most funding opportunities will require the perspective of a third-party on the applicant, this book explains how to acquire great recommendations from people in the community.

Developing Confidence

If you have never won a scholarship before it is tough to feel like you are a winner. This book guides students through methods they can use to increase their confidence when applying.

Essay Crafting

Creating a great essay for scholarship applications can be a daunting process. This book helps students address the most common concerns and avoid common pitfalls with writing.

Time Management

Completing numerous applications at the same time becomes difficult to manage when balancing life, this book provides various tips to address the limited time you have to do work.

Saving Your Energy

No need to run around wasting your time or energy by doing things that don't work or that you only have to do once – we flag what those items are so that you can apply for more opportunities easier.

Used By Schools Across The Country

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In addition to scholarship coaching, we offer a suite of tools to help families and schools ensure that their students are fully prepared to make higher education an affordable endeavor.

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High impact in-person sessions customized to your audience.

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For Parents and Families


Personalized one-on-one guidance through the scholarship process.

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